i'm not perfect.

assalamualikum pretty/handsome.

 terasa lama dah aku tak post something dlm blog aku kan?this week,i nak setiap hari post something.haha,cuti kan?btw,saya ingin menyelitkan 4 patah perkataan untuk kau kau dan kau,dan juga kau.it was HAPPY HOLIDAY TO YOU:)i hope that you and you and you to will have a good day on your holiday.and i wish,im not to boredd in home alone~i have no friend.so sad right?i just ave a brothewr which is always go out with her friend and i got adik,which is always ask me 'KAKAK,NAK MAIN GAME BOLEH?'and'KAKAK,KAKAK MASAK APA HARINI?LAPAR LAH~'and also'KAKAK,BUKA CERITA CARTOON'i just want to spend my time with my friends,but i could.trutly,i was too jelous with my brother because he can't go out.when he want.and i f i want to meet my friend,i have to ask her and pujuk dia like minta sedekah or i meet my frined and my adik follow.it's bored right?if i bring my adik,he will say'AKAK,BILA NAK BALIK?'then i have to mnelayan karenah gedik dia tu.so tired.bila tak layan nanti,muka merajuk dia comel tapi,i ada hati perut so i pun kena lah layan dia.seriously,tired because have to kemas rumah.i think,i will be ibu tanpa suami.yaahh!i think so lah.oh faarisha,you have run from the topic.sorry readers.btw,tak ke bosan dgr satu cerita je?kita campur lah ken?right?1 malaysia.ahaks!now,we go to our topic.the thing that i want to share.seriously,ramnai tak perfect betul?bukannya ramai but all.all people are not perfect.and i was 100% not perfect.and i can't be perfect for you.sorry.and i want you to know that,you can't find a perfect women,but,if you want tofind a beeter person then me.yes!you will find it.i wass to bad for you.i think so.i have tired of this.i have tired because,when you come hera,we will fight.but if you was at you own place.we don.we do not fight.yes!there were batu api.i love she so much.,the batu api was my lover.thanks batu api.kau memang yg the best person that i found.!the people who did not know batu api is what,it was orang yang menjadikan kau bergaduh.contoh:kau gaduh dgn c sbb b kata dkt kau c were bad atitude,and c pernah culik barang you,padahal,kenyataan yg b bagi tu sama sekali tidak benar.harap you alls faham lah.i tak boleh jadi cikgu lah~hew hew:3takpe,it's not my choice for my future,but if allah want me to be teacher.i will.and my name will change became,teacher/cikgu,pn farisha amira.haha,yeah!and now,i terasa mcm nak bunuh diri.kenapa?alolo~jangan tanya lah why,i don't know,if i was use in this earth or not.i don't know,ada tak manusia dalam bumi ini yang mengambil peduli pasal aku?ada tak dalam bumi yang sayang kan aku?i was too useless.!i tak guna dah.mungkin ini balasannya.on my mind,i was always ask,kenapa dan mengapa.kenapa aku jadi mcm ni?kenapa aku bodoh?kenapa aku selalu disakitkan hati?mengapa aku boleh jadi mcm ni?mengapa diorang tak sygkan aku?kenapa aku erghh!seriously,sakit hati,jiwa,raga,badan,kaki,semua sakit.mungkin ini cabaran untuk aku.and my mom always said that,allah bagi dugaan kepada hambanya kerana beliau nak uji kita.syg kita.and allah tak akn bagi dugaan yg hambanya tak boleh hadapi.and i always berdoa,agar allah kuatkan iman aku.agar aku tidak melakukan perkara yang melangar batsan agama.like bunuh diri.sbb aku dah pernah terdetik untuk bunuh diri.if you want to know,masa aku tolong mak aku,mak aku suruh aku potong carrot.then,aku potong lah.bila mak aku naik,sdg aku memotong,terasa,nak bunuh diri.aku pun perlahan lahan lah acukan pisau tu dkt dgn perut aku.aku nbak shoot biar mati,jgn koma,jgn hidup.sbb aku tau,if aku hidup,aku just menyusahkan mak and ayah aku sbb diorg kene jaga aku.and aku membazirkan duit mereka.masa tu dah tak pikir lain,just pikir,sakit hati aku.mungkin,belum ajal aku,abg akuturun and terjah aku.tanya aku,kau buat apa?then aku menggelabah jwab,tgk tajam tak pisau ni.then abg aku gelak.huh!thanks abg.iloveyousomuch.kerana dia aku masih sihat walafiat.cuman dalam je tak.nwm,i will be a strong girl.insallah,aku dapat bertahan.aku akn ketat kan balik skru skru aku yg longgar ini.just pray for me tha best readers.sad life suka aku.takpe,mungkin bila aku dah besar,aku hidup happy life.setiap perkara ada hikmahnya.i wish i have a bright future and please baby,please come to me happy life.if you saw me,and there were smile in my face,a big smile.there a fake sayang.100% fake.i don't want to show my sadlife to everyone.i wish i could make my friends,parent,family,and all people that i love is happy. it's enough for me.i don't want to make people sad.i do not like to see people sad.if i can't,i want to make all the people in the earth was happy and i was the one person in the earth which is sad.but i could.i lovemake people happy.it's my hobby.btw,my mother always said that,kita jgn bandingkan diri kita dgn org yg lebih kaya dgn kita,bandingkan diri kita dgn org yg lebih susah dari kita.maybe there were many people are more sad then me.like nak yatim.because there don't have mom and dad.i was gratefull to allah because give me a good mother and a good family.seriously,i have a good life,but people around me,are making me hurts.but not all.stop here.i want to cry for along time.and make my eyes become panda.i love it.the short and feeling story are stop here.*feelling?ahaks*you,and you,and you,and you too.bye:)ily <3


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